Exhibit and events schedule
Currently touring, the Waging Peace in Vietnam exhibit informs scholars, students and the general public that as America escalated the number of troops engaged in the Vietnam War, thousands of our soldiers, sailors and pilots refused to fight, sail and fly more bombing missions. Active-duty soldiers and veterans had a profound effect on the antiwar movement, and on the war itself.
Keep an eye out for when the exhibit comes to your city. It is often accompanied by panel discussions, film screenings, receptions, and other events.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - 9/19 - 9/20
War Remnants Museum
War Remnants Museum
September 2019 - September 2020
War Remnants Museum
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Hanoi, Vietnam - 9/20 +
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Conference of Historians from the United States and Vietnam
September 30, 2020
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
(more information coming soon)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - 10/20 +
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Conference of Historians from the United States and Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City
October 2, 2020
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
(more information coming soon)
Baltimore, MD - 10/20 +
American Oral History annual meeting
October 21 - 23
(more information coming soon)
San Francisco, CA - 2/21 +
University of San Francisco
University of San Francisco
University of San Francisco
(more information coming soon)
Los Angeles, CA - 3/21 +
University of Southern California
University of Southern California
University of Southern California
(more information coming soon)
Due to the pandemic, some events have been postponed. Stay tuned!
San Francisco, CA - 3/20 *POSTPONED +
San Francisco Veterans Center
San Francisco Veterans Center
*POSTPONED until later date. Check back for further notice.
March 17 - April 22
San Francisco Veterans Building
401 Van Ness Avenue
Veterans Gallery
VFP Chapter 69
For more information, click here.
Questions? Contact Paul Cox: 415-861-4920 or PaulCox890@comcast.net.
Lubbock, TX - 4/20 *POSTPONED +
Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
*POSTPONED until later date. Check back for further notice.
1970: Nixon and Discord During the Vietnam War
April 9 - 11
MCM Elegante Hotel
Organized with Texas Tech University, Institute for Peace and Conflicts
Kent, OH - 5/20 *POSTPONED +
Kent State University
Kent State University
*POSTPONED until later date. Check back for further notice.
50th Anniversary May 4th Commemoration
May 1 – 4
Kent State University
800 E. Summit Street
Kent State University has a lasting commitment to remember and honor the individuals who lost their lives or were wounded on May 4, 1970. It is equally committed to inspire future generations to provide strong, positive and peaceful leadership in times of conflict and dissent.
Exhibit Walkthroughs:
A three-minute narrated walkthrough of the U.S. traveling exhibit.
A three-minute look at the original Vietnam exhibit, with powerful visitor reactions. The exhibit tours throughout Vietnam and is now on display at the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City.